Course Descriptions

HSGN 522

Issues in regional and global practice and developments related to medical nursing are oriented to meet individual student needs.

Undergraduate Programs

HSGN 519

This course aims to provide the student with the knowledge and skills on epidemiology, risk factors, physiopathology, classification, treatment methods and early diagnosis of cancer as well as care of the cancer patient, symptom control, and support of the patient and the family. The student will examine epidemiology, the definition and historical developments of cancer around the world and in Türkiye, carcinogenesis and classification of cancers, the systemic examination, precipitating factors, symptoms, diagnosis, rehabilitation, care and treatment methods of cancer, symptom control and care in cancer patients, preventive health services, current progress and nurses? responsibilities, cancer emergencies, self-care and quality of life in cancer patients, protecting caregivers of cancer patients, problems of terminally-ill cancer patients and relatives, and case presentations.

Undergraduate Programs

HSGN 515

In this course the student will examine the prevention of health problems within the framework of internal medical nursing through the promotion of healthy life-style behavior, early diagnosis, effective treatment and management of illness.

Undergraduate Programs

HSGN 512

Issues in global and country-wide developments and current practices in women?s health nursing are oriented to meet individual student needs.

Undergraduate Programs

HSGN 508

The aim of this course is to help the student develop the skill to assess and provide care during and after the labour and delivery process, perform delivery, and provide the mother and newborn with preliminary post-natal care. The student is expected to gain theoretical knowledge about normal labor & delivery processes, assess cervical dilatation and effacement, monitor the infusion of induction, assess fetal positioning, presentation and engagement, assess uterine contractions during labour, monitor and evaluate NST (non-stress test)/OCT (oxytocin challenge test), perform delivery, newborn, and perineum care, provide breastfeeding guidance, uterine involution follow-up and physical assessment of the newborn.

Undergraduate Programs

HSGN 520

In this course the student will examine comprehensive care-giving for the adult and the family with acute and chronic health problems: health promotion, prevention of illness and disability, optimization of function in illness and disability, analysis of clinical findings, clinical decision making and systematic thought-processing skills.

Undergraduate Programs

HSGN 516

Issues in regional and global practice and developments in child health and disease are oriented to meet individual student needs.

Undergraduate Programs

HSGN 513

In this course the student will examine growth and development in childhood, general principles of growth and development, the role of nurses in healthy growth and development of the child, developmental care by periods of child development, the evaluation of growth and development, and impairment of growth and development in children.

Undergraduate Programs

HSGN 509

The aim of this course is to facilitate learning and skills in the areas of reproductive health, safe motherhood, global and regional maternal mortality, the anatomy and physiology of the reproductive system, physical and psychological changes during pregnancy, prenatal care, psychosocial adaptation to pregnancy, the process and stage of delivery, pain control during delivery, conception and fetal development, postpartum adaptation and care, issues related to the care of the normal newborn, high-risk pregnancy, delivery, the postpartum process and the neonate.

Undergraduate Programs

HSGN 506

This course prepares the student for the nursing research process: defining the problem, the research question/ developing the hypothesis, research design, sampling, data collection, and reporting research results. The importance of research, the research and publication process and its scientific and ethical aspects will be also covered to prepare the student for a master’s thesis.

Undergraduate Programs

HSGN 521

This course aims to provide the student with the knowledge and skills in the fields of prevention, early diagnosis and effective management of diabetes.

Undergraduate Programs

HSGN 518

The student is expected to gain teaching experience in pediatric nursing within the scope of basic concepts, principles and methods of clinical training and education in the field.

Undergraduate Programs

HSGN 514

In this course the student will examine the role of the pediatric nurse as care-giver, counselor and educator: nursing diagnosis of the physical, emotional and social responses of the family and the child to acute and chronic health problems, and the planning and application of nursing care towards the needs of the family and the child.

Undergraduate Programs

HSGN 511

In this course the student will examine global and regional aspects of child health, children?s health education, basic health services, child health nursing, current status, dependent and independent functions, crisis situations and the child, nursing and the family, needs of hospitalized children, chronically ill children and the family, multidisciplinary and family-centered approaches.

Undergraduate Programs

HSGN 507

In this course the student will examine nursing care in relation to reproductive health: adolescence, prevention, treatment and care of sexually transmitted diseases, common infections in women, miscarriage and women?s health, menopause, cancer in women, women in old-age health and nursing care, and osteoporosis. The student is also expected to learn current knowledge in topics related to women?s place in society such as gender roles, women?s health in Türkiye, international meetings about women?s issues and reflections on Türkiye, women?s rights, health issues in women, violence and women, women in politics, religion, urbanization and the workplace.

Undergraduate Programs