Program-Specific Required Courses

Credit: 3

Reproductive endocrinology is a branch of science that involves endocrinologic aspect of gonadal function in both sexes and reproduction. Better understanding of molecular mechanisms underlying reproductive disorders and the application of problems of human reproduction especially endocrinological problems are important. This lecture will enable students to develop broad vision on molecular aspects of reproductive endocrinology and will allow in depth study of current aspects of reproduction.

Credit: 3

This course will provide an up-to-date overview on reproductive genetics and immunology varying from very fundamental aspects of genetics to most-complicated genetic analysis tools and their application to certain reproductive disorders and prenatal diagnosis. In addition to genetics, there will be comprehensive lectures on the immunology of reproduction at implantation, early pregnancy and certain commonly seen benign reproductive disorders and recurrent abortions. Moreover, immune editing and immune escape mechanisms in benign and malignant disorders of the reproductive system will be reviewed.

Credit: 0

This course is non-credit and aims to increase scientific interaction between students and improve students’ presentation skills by ensuring the participation of students from all interdisciplinary programs. The seminar course, which consists of the presentation of the studies and research conducted in front of the community within the framework of the techniques determined with the guidance of the advisor and the question and answer section, is graded periodically as S/U by the program coordinators. The course must be taken at least once and completed successfully within the framework of Council of Higher Education rules. Program-specific rules are determined by program coordinators and shared with students.

Credit 0

This course is non-credit and is a course in which the advisor evaluates the student’s thesis work. It covers all the studies and research to be carried out on the thesis topic determined with the guidance of the advisor and is graded periodically as S/U by the advisor faculty member.

General Required Courses


Ethical principles in biomedical research, biosafety, ethics in animal studies, human and patients’ rights, ethics in clinical research, national and international examples in publication ethics and principles will be discussed. Course will be completed via CITI online education program.

Credit: 3

An introduction to important topics in biostatistical concepts and reasoning. Tools for describing central tendency and variability in data; methods for performing inference on population means and proportions via sample data; statistical hypothesis testing and its application to group comparisons. Several statistical methods such as linear regression, ANOVA, logistic regression, survival analysis, nonparametric methods, ROC analysis that are commonly used to study biological problems. In-lab practices on computers and software for statistical analysis, to provide students with the skills  to generate, read and interpret the results in their fields of study.

Credit: 0

Foundations and basics of designing effective teaching environments for higher education courses, learning principles, teaching in English, integrating learning technologies into teaching practices, grading, communicating with students and instructors, and superdiversity and gender sensitive pedagogy.

Credit: 0

The following objectives will be met through extensive reading, writing and discussion both in and out of class.Build a solid background in academic discourse, both written and spoken. Improve intensive and extensive critical reading skills. Foster critical and creative thinking. Build fundamental academic writing skills including summary, paraphrase, analysis, synthesis. Master cohesiveness as well as proper academic citation when incorporating the work of others.

Program-Specific Elective Courses


This course will provide an up-to-date overview on reproductive genetics and immunology varying from very fundamental aspects of genetics to most-complicated genetic analysis tools and their application to certain reproductive disorders and prenatal diagnosis. In addition to genetics, there will be comprehensive lectures on the immunology of reproduction at implantation, early pregnancy and certain commonly seen benign reproductive disorders and recurrent abortions. Moreover, immune editing and immune escape mechanisms in benign and malignant disorders of the reproductive system will be reviewed.

Credit: 3

This course is a special course given by the student’s advisor for the student’s thesis work. PhD students with BS degrees can have their credits counted by taking this course with codes 698 and 699 and under different titles throughout their education period. PhD students with MS degrees can count the credit of only one-course, even if they take the course more than once under different titles.

General Elective Courses