How is that for your good deed of the day? Science & Technology

How is that for your good deed of the day?

Study Advisory offers a new way to find a place to study and to compare universities on a global level.

TUBA GEBIP Award – Dr. Mehmet Gönen Science & Technology

TUBA GEBIP Award – Dr. Mehmet Gönen

Dr. Gönen’s research program proposed for TÜBA GEBİP award can be titled as “Computational methods to improve personalized medicine approaches for breast cancer”.

Prof Dr. Aziz Sancar Visit to KU Science & Technology

Prof Dr. Aziz Sancar Visit to KU

Professor Aziz Sancar gave a seminar in Koç University about Nobel Prize winning research “Mechanisms of DNA Repair by Photolyase and Excision Nuclease” and answered the questions from students.

14th Congress of the Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery Awards and Honors

14th Congress of the Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery

İbrahim Başar Aka, a PhD student in Bio-Medical Sciences and Engineering, was awarded the second prize with his presentation in the 14th Congress of the Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery.

GO GLOBAL – Study Abroad (Exchange) Fair Events

GO GLOBAL – Study Abroad (Exchange) Fair

This year’s Study Abroad Fair took place on April 27th, 2016. The fair served as a chance for students interested in international opportunities to receive information directly from the source.

Science & Technology 2024-03-06 08:05

How is that for your good deed of the day?

Study Advisory offers a new way to find a place to study and to compare universities on a global level.

Science & Technology 2024-03-06 08:19

TUBA GEBIP Award – Dr. Mehmet Gönen

Dr. Gönen’s research program proposed for TÜBA GEBİP award can be titled as “Computational methods to improve personalized medicine approaches for breast cancer”.

Science & Technology 2024-03-06 08:01

Prof Dr. Aziz Sancar Visit to KU

Professor Aziz Sancar gave a seminar in Koç University about Nobel Prize winning research “Mechanisms of DNA Repair by Photolyase and Excision Nuclease” and answered the questions from students.

Awards and Honors 2024-03-06 08:13

14th Congress of the Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery

İbrahim Başar Aka, a PhD student in Bio-Medical Sciences and Engineering, was awarded the second prize with his presentation in the 14th Congress of the Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery.

Events 2024-09-27 06:29

GO GLOBAL – Study Abroad (Exchange) Fair

This year’s Study Abroad Fair took place on April 27th, 2016. The fair served as a chance for students interested in international opportunities to receive information directly from the source.