The Best Poster Presentation Award at IEEE WHC Science & Technology

The Best Poster Presentation Award at IEEE WHC

RML (Robotics and Mechatronics Laboratory) members have received the best poster presentation award at IEEE WHC. Congrugalations to Yasemin Vardar, Aykut İşleyen, Muhammed Khurram Salem, Çağatay Başdoğan for winning the best poster presentation award in IEEE World Haptics Conference 2017, Fürstenfeldbruck, Germany, June 6-9.

The INFORMS Success of Industrial Engineering Society Science & Technology

The INFORMS Success of Industrial Engineering Society

Industrial Engineering Society is the ‘cum laude’ recipient of the 2017 INFORMS Student Chapter distinctions. KU Informs Student Chapter is also the only student chapter among the awardees that is outside of North America. Congratulations to the society and their advisor Professor Metin Türkay.

Koç University IEEE student branch win the Platin Level Darrel Chong Student Award Events

Koç University IEEE student branch win the Platin Level Darrel Chong Student Award

Koç University IEEE student branch win the Platin Level Darrel Chong Student Award

Türkiye’s first prosthetic arm was developed at Koç University. Science & Technology

Türkiye’s first prosthetic arm was developed at Koç University.

KU researchers Prof. İsmail Lazoğlu and Mr. Sarmad Shams developed a prosthetic arm for Mr. Ömer Çakar, a Koç University staff member.

KİMMTE 2017 Events


On 6 May 2017, Koç University Chemical and Biological Engineering 4th-year students competed in the Istanbul Chemical Engineering Undergraduate Process Design Event (KIMMTE 2017) at Istanbul Technical University (ITU).

Science and Engineering Day Science & Technology

Science and Engineering Day

The “Science and Engineering Day”, a joint organization by the College of Sciences and College of Engineering, took place on May 12, 2017. During the event, Design Projects of our senior students were exhibited and presented to faculty members, participants from industry, graduates and university wide current students.

KU++ 2017 is over with 250 participants from 27 universities all around Türkiye Science & Technology

KU++ 2017 is over with 250 participants from 27 universities all around Türkiye

KU++ 2017 is over with 250 participants from 27 universities all around Türkiye, 29 finalists, and 3 winning teams!

Alumni of KU College of Engineering and academicians came together again on April 19 at Koç Pera! Events

Alumni of KU College of Engineering and academicians came together again on April 19 at Koç Pera!

Alumni of KU College of Engineering and academicians came together again on April 19 at Koç Pera!

2017 Koç University Outstanding Teaching Award Awards and Honors

2017 Koç University Outstanding Teaching Award

Congratulations to Dr. Alper Erdoğan, recipient of the “2017 Koç University Outstanding Teaching Award” and to Dr. Erdem Alaca, recipient of the “”2017 College of Engineering Outstanding Teaching Award” .

BAGEP 2017 Awards – Mehmet Gönen Awards and Honors

BAGEP 2017 Awards – Mehmet Gönen

Dr. Gönen’s research program proposed for BAGEP award can be titled as “Computational methods to improve personalized medicine approaches for breast cancer”.

Science & Technology 2024-03-06 10:03

The Best Poster Presentation Award at IEEE WHC

RML (Robotics and Mechatronics Laboratory) members have received the best poster presentation award at IEEE WHC. Congrugalations to Yasemin Vardar, Aykut İşleyen, Muhammed Khurram Salem, Çağatay Başdoğan for winning the best poster presentation award in IEEE World Haptics Conference 2017, Fürstenfeldbruck, Germany, June 6-9.

Science & Technology 2024-03-06 09:19

The INFORMS Success of Industrial Engineering Society

Industrial Engineering Society is the ‘cum laude’ recipient of the 2017 INFORMS Student Chapter distinctions. KU Informs Student Chapter is also the only student chapter among the awardees that is outside of North America. Congratulations to the society and their advisor Professor Metin Türkay.

Events 2024-03-06 09:18

Koç University IEEE student branch win the Platin Level Darrel Chong Student Award

Koç University IEEE student branch win the Platin Level Darrel Chong Student Award

Science & Technology 2024-03-06 10:00

Türkiye’s first prosthetic arm was developed at Koç University.

KU researchers Prof. İsmail Lazoğlu and Mr. Sarmad Shams developed a prosthetic arm for Mr. Ömer Çakar, a Koç University staff member.

Events 2024-03-06 09:57


On 6 May 2017, Koç University Chemical and Biological Engineering 4th-year students competed in the Istanbul Chemical Engineering Undergraduate Process Design Event (KIMMTE 2017) at Istanbul Technical University (ITU).

Science & Technology 2024-03-06 09:16

Science and Engineering Day

The “Science and Engineering Day”, a joint organization by the College of Sciences and College of Engineering, took place on May 12, 2017. During the event, Design Projects of our senior students were exhibited and presented to faculty members, participants from industry, graduates and university wide current students.

Science & Technology 2024-03-06 09:14

KU++ 2017 is over with 250 participants from 27 universities all around Türkiye

KU++ 2017 is over with 250 participants from 27 universities all around Türkiye, 29 finalists, and 3 winning teams!

Events 2024-03-06 09:12

Alumni of KU College of Engineering and academicians came together again on April 19 at Koç Pera!

Alumni of KU College of Engineering and academicians came together again on April 19 at Koç Pera!

Awards and Honors 2024-03-06 09:09

2017 Koç University Outstanding Teaching Award

Congratulations to Dr. Alper Erdoğan, recipient of the “2017 Koç University Outstanding Teaching Award” and to Dr. Erdem Alaca, recipient of the “”2017 College of Engineering Outstanding Teaching Award” .

Awards and Honors 2024-03-06 09:01

BAGEP 2017 Awards – Mehmet Gönen

Dr. Gönen’s research program proposed for BAGEP award can be titled as “Computational methods to improve personalized medicine approaches for breast cancer”.