Boston Festival of Genomics Research

Boston Festival of Genomics

Dr. Cem Albayrak, Assistant Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering at Koç University, and his postdoctoral research were recently featured on two online science outlets.

Özgür Barış Akan, for his appointment as an IEEE Nanotechnology Council Distinguished Lecturer Awards and Honors

Özgür Barış Akan, for his appointment as an IEEE Nanotechnology Council Distinguished Lecturer

Congratulations to Özgür Barış Akan, for his appointment as an IEEE Nanotechnology Council Distinguished Lecturer

TUBA GEBIP Award – Dr. Alper Uzun Science & Technology

TUBA GEBIP Award – Dr. Alper Uzun

Here, firstly, the structure-performance relationships in supported metal catalysts coated with an ionic liquid layer will be elucidated in detail. Then, this fundamental level understanding will be utilized to develop such kind of ionic liquid-coated catalysts with exceptional performance for the conversion of hydrocarbons to fuels.

FABED 2016 Award Awards and Honors

FABED 2016 Award

Assoc. Prof. Seda Keskin Avcı received 2016 FABED Eser Tümen Outstanding Success Award due to her internationally recognized studies on “Molecular Modeling of Metal Organic Framework and Polymer Composite Membranes”.

BAGEP 2016 Award Awards and Honors

BAGEP 2016 Award

“A top priority for the BAGEP is encouraging the youth to engage in good science, and rewarding the best examples.” Dr. Alptekin Küpçü, Assistant Professor of Computer Engineering, is the recipient of the BAGEP 2016 Award in Computer Sciences and Engineering.

Industrial Engineering Graduates Win INFORMS Prize Honorable Mention Awards and Honors

Industrial Engineering Graduates Win INFORMS Prize Honorable Mention

Koç University Industrial Engineering Graduates Win INFORMS Prize Honorable Mention The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) is the largest professional society in the world for individuals in the field of operations research, management science and analytics.

AIChE Award Awards and Honors

AIChE Award

Congratulations for the distinctions to our students and thanks to the Club Advisors Dr.Seda Kızılel and Dr. Alper Uzun.

Aydoğan Özcan; Rahmi M. Koç Medal of Science winner 2016 Awards and Honors

Aydoğan Özcan; Rahmi M. Koç Medal of Science winner 2016

Prof. Dr. Aydoğan Özcan who was shown among the world’s brightest 10 scientists in 2012 is awarded the first time given Rahmi M. Koç Science Medal of Koç University with his research on Mobile imaging, sensing and diagnostics through computational photonics.

An interview with Dr. Hakan Ürey Science & Technology

An interview with Dr. Hakan Ürey

An interview with Dr. Hakan Ürey, Professor of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, on ERC panel evaluations

FPGA card design from our students Science & Technology

FPGA card design from our students

Onurhan Öztürk, an undergraduate student and Altynbek Isabekov, a doctoral students designed an FPGA card for educational purposes in our ” Digital Design” class last semester. They also printed device drivers and made the cards available.

Research 2024-03-06 08:23

Boston Festival of Genomics

Dr. Cem Albayrak, Assistant Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering at Koç University, and his postdoctoral research were recently featured on two online science outlets.

Awards and Honors 2024-03-06 08:58

Özgür Barış Akan, for his appointment as an IEEE Nanotechnology Council Distinguished Lecturer

Congratulations to Özgür Barış Akan, for his appointment as an IEEE Nanotechnology Council Distinguished Lecturer

Science & Technology 2024-03-06 08:21

TUBA GEBIP Award – Dr. Alper Uzun

Here, firstly, the structure-performance relationships in supported metal catalysts coated with an ionic liquid layer will be elucidated in detail. Then, this fundamental level understanding will be utilized to develop such kind of ionic liquid-coated catalysts with exceptional performance for the conversion of hydrocarbons to fuels.

Awards and Honors 2024-03-06 08:10

FABED 2016 Award

Assoc. Prof. Seda Keskin Avcı received 2016 FABED Eser Tümen Outstanding Success Award due to her internationally recognized studies on “Molecular Modeling of Metal Organic Framework and Polymer Composite Membranes”.

Awards and Honors 2024-03-06 07:56

BAGEP 2016 Award

“A top priority for the BAGEP is encouraging the youth to engage in good science, and rewarding the best examples.” Dr. Alptekin Küpçü, Assistant Professor of Computer Engineering, is the recipient of the BAGEP 2016 Award in Computer Sciences and Engineering.

Awards and Honors 2024-03-06 08:09

Industrial Engineering Graduates Win INFORMS Prize Honorable Mention

Koç University Industrial Engineering Graduates Win INFORMS Prize Honorable Mention The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) is the largest professional society in the world for individuals in the field of operations research, management science and analytics.

Awards and Honors 2024-03-06 08:07

AIChE Award

Congratulations for the distinctions to our students and thanks to the Club Advisors Dr.Seda Kızılel and Dr. Alper Uzun.

Awards and Honors 2024-03-06 08:16

Aydoğan Özcan; Rahmi M. Koç Medal of Science winner 2016

Prof. Dr. Aydoğan Özcan who was shown among the world’s brightest 10 scientists in 2012 is awarded the first time given Rahmi M. Koç Science Medal of Koç University with his research on Mobile imaging, sensing and diagnostics through computational photonics.

Science & Technology 2024-03-06 07:59

An interview with Dr. Hakan Ürey

An interview with Dr. Hakan Ürey, Professor of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, on ERC panel evaluations

Science & Technology 2024-03-06 08:17

FPGA card design from our students

Onurhan Öztürk, an undergraduate student and Altynbek Isabekov, a doctoral students designed an FPGA card for educational purposes in our ” Digital Design” class last semester. They also printed device drivers and made the cards available.