Asst. Prof. Didem Unat was in TEDx Istanbul with the theme of “Supercomputers”! Events

Asst. Prof. Didem Unat was in TEDx Istanbul with the theme of “Supercomputers”!

Asst. Prof. Didem Unat was in TEDx Istanbul with the theme of “Supercomputers”!

Industry Engineering Student Özlem Çarıkçıoğlu’s Success at the 2018 Winter Olympics Awards and Honors

Industry Engineering Student Özlem Çarıkçıoğlu’s Success at the 2018 Winter Olympics

Koç University Industry Engineering student Özlem Çarıkcıoğlu finished 57th out of 81 participants in Giant Slalom in PyeongChang Winter Olympics 2018. 24-years old athlete represented Türkiye in her first-ever Olympic race in alpine skiing in South Korea.

BAGEP 2018 Awards Awards and Honors

BAGEP 2018 Awards

Four of our faculty members have received 2018 BAGEP Awards given by Science Academy.

2018 TÜBİTAK Encouragement Award Awards and Honors

2018 TÜBİTAK Encouragement Award

Asst. Prof. Sedat Nizamoğlu from our Electrical and Electronic Engineering department received 2018 TÜBİTAK Encouragement Award due to his internationally qualified work in the field of photonic devices based on photomicroscopy in electrical and electronics engineering.

2018 ODTÜ Mustafa Parlar Research Encouragement Award Awards and Honors

2018 ODTÜ Mustafa Parlar Research Encouragement Award

Assoc. Prof. Ertuğrul Başar from Electrical and Electronic Engineering department has received 2018 ODTÜ Mustafa Parlar Research Encouragement Award.

2018 IEEE Türkiye PhD Thesis Award! Awards and Honors

2018 IEEE Türkiye PhD Thesis Award!

Dr. Murat Kuşçu who is one of our 2017 PhD graduates has been honoured to receive 2018 IEEE Türkiye PhD Thesis Award with the PhD thesis title “Nanoscale and Bio-inspired Communication Techniques for the Internet of Bio-Nano Things”.

New Research Articles Research

New Research Articles

New Research Articles from our Faculty Members and Students

The Girls Who Code Event Events

The Girls Who Code Event

The Girls Who Code event was organized in cooperation with Koç University Women’s Engineers Club and ACM Woman Chapter. 20 female students from Mustafa Kemal Anadolu Lisesi were welcomed for 5 weeks between April 7th and May 6th at Koç University and Computer Engineering students gave lectures on programming in Java. At the end of the program, certificates were presented to participating students.

IEEE Best Paper Award Awards and Honors

IEEE Best Paper Award

Waleed Bin Qaim (Computer Science and Engineering, MSc., 2018) is a member of the Distributed Systems and Reliable Networks (DISNET) Research Laboratory headed by Prof. Öznur Özkasap. Congratulations to Waleed Bin Qaim and his advisor Öznur Özkasap.

2018 Koç University Outstanding Teaching Award Awards and Honors

2018 Koç University Outstanding Teaching Award

Congratulations to Emre Kütükoğlu, recipient of the “”2018 College of Engineering Outstanding Teaching Award”

Events 2024-03-06 19:57

Asst. Prof. Didem Unat was in TEDx Istanbul with the theme of “Supercomputers”!

Asst. Prof. Didem Unat was in TEDx Istanbul with the theme of “Supercomputers”!

Awards and Honors 2024-03-06 12:33

Industry Engineering Student Özlem Çarıkçıoğlu’s Success at the 2018 Winter Olympics

Koç University Industry Engineering student Özlem Çarıkcıoğlu finished 57th out of 81 participants in Giant Slalom in PyeongChang Winter Olympics 2018. 24-years old athlete represented Türkiye in her first-ever Olympic race in alpine skiing in South Korea.

Awards and Honors 2024-03-06 10:17

BAGEP 2018 Awards

Four of our faculty members have received 2018 BAGEP Awards given by Science Academy.

Awards and Honors 2024-03-06 20:04

2018 TÜBİTAK Encouragement Award

Asst. Prof. Sedat Nizamoğlu from our Electrical and Electronic Engineering department received 2018 TÜBİTAK Encouragement Award due to his internationally qualified work in the field of photonic devices based on photomicroscopy in electrical and electronics engineering.

Awards and Honors 2024-03-06 20:05

2018 ODTÜ Mustafa Parlar Research Encouragement Award

Assoc. Prof. Ertuğrul Başar from Electrical and Electronic Engineering department has received 2018 ODTÜ Mustafa Parlar Research Encouragement Award.

Awards and Honors 2024-03-06 20:07

2018 IEEE Türkiye PhD Thesis Award!

Dr. Murat Kuşçu who is one of our 2017 PhD graduates has been honoured to receive 2018 IEEE Türkiye PhD Thesis Award with the PhD thesis title “Nanoscale and Bio-inspired Communication Techniques for the Internet of Bio-Nano Things”.

Research 2024-03-06 19:59

New Research Articles

New Research Articles from our Faculty Members and Students

Events 2024-03-06 12:41

The Girls Who Code Event

The Girls Who Code event was organized in cooperation with Koç University Women’s Engineers Club and ACM Woman Chapter. 20 female students from Mustafa Kemal Anadolu Lisesi were welcomed for 5 weeks between April 7th and May 6th at Koç University and Computer Engineering students gave lectures on programming in Java. At the end of the program, certificates were presented to participating students.

Awards and Honors 2024-03-06 12:49

IEEE Best Paper Award

Waleed Bin Qaim (Computer Science and Engineering, MSc., 2018) is a member of the Distributed Systems and Reliable Networks (DISNET) Research Laboratory headed by Prof. Öznur Özkasap. Congratulations to Waleed Bin Qaim and his advisor Öznur Özkasap.

Awards and Honors 2024-03-06 12:54

2018 Koç University Outstanding Teaching Award

Congratulations to Emre Kütükoğlu, recipient of the “”2018 College of Engineering Outstanding Teaching Award”