Our alumni Şahin Boydaş took place in the list of FORTUNE TURKEY “40 UNDER AGE 40, 2018” Awards and Honors

Our alumni Şahin Boydaş took place in the list of FORTUNE TURKEY “40 UNDER AGE 40, 2018”

Our alumni Şahin Boydaş took place in the list of FORTUNE TURKEY “40 UNDER AGE 40, 2018″”. News in details and the full list can be found in Fortune Türkiye’s November issue.

2018 YÖK Awards Awards and Honors

2018 YÖK Awards

Dr. Seyhan Uçar and thesis advisor Assoc. Prof. Öznur Özkasap were awarded 2018 YÖK (Council of Higher Education, Türkiye) Outstanding Achievement Awards, Individual Awards category, in Science and Engineering with the PhD thesis “Visible Light Communication Assisted Secure and Efficient Architecture For Autonomous Platoon”.

Dr.Erdem Alaca-2017 Elginkan Foundation Research and Technology Award Awards and Honors

Dr.Erdem Alaca-2017 Elginkan Foundation Research and Technology Award

Congratulations to our faculty member Dr. Erdem Alaca who is the recipient of the 2017 Elginkan Foundation Research and Technology Award for his work on ‘ the development of new generation sensors using nanowire-MEMS integration’.

2017 Koç University Outstanding Faculty Awards Awards and Honors

2017 Koç University Outstanding Faculty Awards

Congratulations to Dr. Seda Keskin and Prof. Dr. Can Erkey, recipients of the “2017 Koç University Outstanding Faculty President’s Award” and to Dr. Erdem Alaca, recipient of the “”2017 College of Engineering Outstanding Faculty Award”

Dr. Sinem Çöleri Ergen-2017 Mustafa Parlar Foundation Research Award Awards and Honors

Dr. Sinem Çöleri Ergen-2017 Mustafa Parlar Foundation Research Award

Congratulations to Dr. Sinem Çöleri Ergen, Associate Professor of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, who is the recipient of the 2017 Research Award from the Mustafa Parlar Foundation.

TUBA GEBIP Award – Yrd. Doç. Dr. Alptekin Küpçü Awards and Honors

TUBA GEBIP Award – Yrd. Doç. Dr. Alptekin Küpçü

Associate Professor Alptekin Küpçü, KU Computer Engineering Department, has received the 2017 TUBA/GEBIP Award for his project, “Privacy in Online Social Networks”.

The IEEE Türkiye Ph.D. Thesis Award Awards and Honors

The IEEE Türkiye Ph.D. Thesis Award

Seyhan Uçar (Computer Science and Engineering, Ph.D., 2017) was awarded the IEEE Türkiye Ph.D. Thesis Award, to which many applications are made and nominated.

The First indigenous heart assist device of Türkiye designed in Koç University Science & Technology

The First indigenous heart assist device of Türkiye designed in Koç University

The First indigenous heart assist device of Türkiye designed in Koç University was successfully tested on an animal

Congratulations to Alper Uzun and Melike Babbuci Research

Congratulations to Alper Uzun and Melike Babbuci

Chemical and Engineering News featured the recent results by Alper Uzun and his PhD student Melike Babucci as a news item. Their publication appeared in ACS Catalysis. Congratulations to both.

Prof. Ismail Lazoglu has been elected as the Fellow of the CIRP Science & Technology

Prof. Ismail Lazoglu has been elected as the Fellow of the CIRP

Prof. Ismail Lazoglu has been elected as the Fellow of the CIRP (the International Academy for Production Engineering, “College International pour la Recherche en Productique”).

Awards and Honors 2024-03-06 13:00

Our alumni Şahin Boydaş took place in the list of FORTUNE TURKEY “40 UNDER AGE 40, 2018”

Our alumni Şahin Boydaş took place in the list of FORTUNE TURKEY “40 UNDER AGE 40, 2018″”. News in details and the full list can be found in Fortune Türkiye’s November issue.

Awards and Honors 2024-03-06 12:57

2018 YÖK Awards

Dr. Seyhan Uçar and thesis advisor Assoc. Prof. Öznur Özkasap were awarded 2018 YÖK (Council of Higher Education, Türkiye) Outstanding Achievement Awards, Individual Awards category, in Science and Engineering with the PhD thesis “Visible Light Communication Assisted Secure and Efficient Architecture For Autonomous Platoon”.

Awards and Honors 2024-03-06 10:15

Dr.Erdem Alaca-2017 Elginkan Foundation Research and Technology Award

Congratulations to our faculty member Dr. Erdem Alaca who is the recipient of the 2017 Elginkan Foundation Research and Technology Award for his work on ‘ the development of new generation sensors using nanowire-MEMS integration’.

Awards and Honors 2024-03-06 10:13

2017 Koç University Outstanding Faculty Awards

Congratulations to Dr. Seda Keskin and Prof. Dr. Can Erkey, recipients of the “2017 Koç University Outstanding Faculty President’s Award” and to Dr. Erdem Alaca, recipient of the “”2017 College of Engineering Outstanding Faculty Award”

Awards and Honors 2024-03-06 10:11

Dr. Sinem Çöleri Ergen-2017 Mustafa Parlar Foundation Research Award

Congratulations to Dr. Sinem Çöleri Ergen, Associate Professor of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, who is the recipient of the 2017 Research Award from the Mustafa Parlar Foundation.

Awards and Honors 2024-03-06 10:10

TUBA GEBIP Award – Yrd. Doç. Dr. Alptekin Küpçü

Associate Professor Alptekin Küpçü, KU Computer Engineering Department, has received the 2017 TUBA/GEBIP Award for his project, “Privacy in Online Social Networks”.

Awards and Honors 2024-03-06 10:09

The IEEE Türkiye Ph.D. Thesis Award

Seyhan Uçar (Computer Science and Engineering, Ph.D., 2017) was awarded the IEEE Türkiye Ph.D. Thesis Award, to which many applications are made and nominated.

Science & Technology 2024-03-06 10:07

The First indigenous heart assist device of Türkiye designed in Koç University

The First indigenous heart assist device of Türkiye designed in Koç University was successfully tested on an animal

Research 2024-03-06 10:05

Congratulations to Alper Uzun and Melike Babbuci

Chemical and Engineering News featured the recent results by Alper Uzun and his PhD student Melike Babucci as a news item. Their publication appeared in ACS Catalysis. Congratulations to both.

Science & Technology 2024-03-06 10:02

Prof. Ismail Lazoglu has been elected as the Fellow of the CIRP

Prof. Ismail Lazoglu has been elected as the Fellow of the CIRP (the International Academy for Production Engineering, “College International pour la Recherche en Productique”).