Humboldt Research Award Awards and Honors

Humboldt Research Award

Prof. Demircan Canadinç, from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, received the prestigious Humboldt Research Award for his excellent research work.

2023 Elginkan Foundation Technology Award Highlighted News

2023 Elginkan Foundation Technology Award

We are delighted to share that Prof. Halil Kavaklı, head of the Molecular Biology and Genetics Department and Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering, has been honored with the 2023 Elginkan Foundation Technology Award. This recognition is attributed to Prof. Kavaklı’s technological approach to increase apoptosis (programmed cell death) in cancer cells by targeting the molecular circadian rhythm.

BELMONT FORUM – TÜBİTAK, Systems of Sustainable Consumption and Production (CRA) Awards and Honors

BELMONT FORUM – TÜBİTAK, Systems of Sustainable Consumption and Production (CRA)

Digital infrastructures for sustainable consumption: Redirecting, reorganizing, reducing and reimaging consumption

The Technology Development Foundation of Türkiye (TTGV) Dr. Akin Cakmakci Award 2023 Awards and Honors

The Technology Development Foundation of Türkiye (TTGV) Dr. Akin Cakmakci Award 2023

Prof. Can Erkey, Chemical and Biological Engineering, has been honored with the prestigious The Technology Development Foundation of Türkiye (TTGV) Dr. Akin Cakmakci Award 2023.

The Most Successful Academic of 2023 Award Awards and Honors

The Most Successful Academic of 2023 Award

Antalya Businesswomen's Association (ANTIKAD) honored Prof. Seda Keskin, from the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering with the Most Successful Academic of the 2023 Award. Wholehearted congratulations to Prof. Seda Keskin for this outstanding accomplishment and best wishes for her continued success.

2023 TÜBİTAK Encouragement Award Awards and Honors

2023 TÜBİTAK Encouragement Award

Assoc. Prof. Savaş Taşoğlu, Department of Mechanical Engineering, was awarded the TÜBİTAK Encouragement Award. Wholehearted congratulations to Assoc. Prof. Savaş Taşoğlu, for his outstanding achievement, and best wishes for his continued success.

TUBITAK 1001 - Support Program for Scientific and Technological Research Projects, 2023 Research

TUBITAK 1001 - Support Program for Scientific and Technological Research Projects, 2023

The Effects of Pricing&Nudge Interventions to Increase the Uptake of Telemedicine During a Pandemic

TUBITAK 1001 - Support Program for Scientific and Technological Research Projects, 2023 Research

TUBITAK 1001 - Support Program for Scientific and Technological Research Projects, 2023

Selçuk Karabatı, Professor of Operations Management in the College of Administrative Sciences and Economics, received the “TUBITAK 1001 – Support Program for Scientific and Technological Research Projects” grant with his research project entitled “An Integrated Approach to Product Line Design and Pricing Policies in the Presence of Variability in Use Phase Behaviors of Consumers and Extended Producer Responsibility Programs”.

BAGEP 2023 Awards (Science Academy Young Scientist Awards Program) Awards and Honors

BAGEP 2023 Awards (Science Academy Young Scientist Awards Program)

Koç University maintained its leading position with the largest number of BAGEP Awards (Science Academy Young Scientist Awards Program) received in the last 10 years since the inception of this program, with Assoc. Prof. Aykut Coşkun, Media and Visual Arts, Assoc. Prof. Erkan Kalafat, Gynecology, and Obstetrics, SOM, Assoc. Prof. Tuba Mutluer, Psychiatry receiving this year’s awards.

Admissions 2024-08-07 12:17

New MSc Redesigning the Post-Industrial City – applications open for Fall 2023!

New MSc Redesigning the Post-Industrial City

Awards and Honors 2024-03-11 14:56

Humboldt Research Award

Prof. Demircan Canadinç, from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, received the prestigious Humboldt Research Award for his excellent research work.

Highlighted News 2024-02-19 08:30

2023 Elginkan Foundation Technology Award

We are delighted to share that Prof. Halil Kavaklı, head of the Molecular Biology and Genetics Department and Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering, has been honored with the 2023 Elginkan Foundation Technology Award. This recognition is attributed to Prof. Kavaklı’s technological approach to increase apoptosis (programmed cell death) in cancer cells by targeting the molecular circadian rhythm.

Awards and Honors 2023-12-12 11:41

BELMONT FORUM – TÜBİTAK, Systems of Sustainable Consumption and Production (CRA)

Digital infrastructures for sustainable consumption: Redirecting, reorganizing, reducing and reimaging consumption

Awards and Honors 2024-01-19 08:50

The Technology Development Foundation of Türkiye (TTGV) Dr. Akin Cakmakci Award 2023

Prof. Can Erkey, Chemical and Biological Engineering, has been honored with the prestigious The Technology Development Foundation of Türkiye (TTGV) Dr. Akin Cakmakci Award 2023.

Awards and Honors 2024-01-09 12:16

The Most Successful Academic of 2023 Award

Antalya Businesswomen's Association (ANTIKAD) honored Prof. Seda Keskin, from the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering with the Most Successful Academic of the 2023 Award. Wholehearted congratulations to Prof. Seda Keskin for this outstanding accomplishment and best wishes for her continued success.

Awards and Honors 2024-01-02 13:24

2023 TÜBİTAK Encouragement Award

Assoc. Prof. Savaş Taşoğlu, Department of Mechanical Engineering, was awarded the TÜBİTAK Encouragement Award. Wholehearted congratulations to Assoc. Prof. Savaş Taşoğlu, for his outstanding achievement, and best wishes for his continued success.

Research 2023-08-23 07:26

TUBITAK 1001 - Support Program for Scientific and Technological Research Projects, 2023

The Effects of Pricing&Nudge Interventions to Increase the Uptake of Telemedicine During a Pandemic

Research 2023-08-23 07:33

TUBITAK 1001 - Support Program for Scientific and Technological Research Projects, 2023

Selçuk Karabatı, Professor of Operations Management in the College of Administrative Sciences and Economics, received the “TUBITAK 1001 – Support Program for Scientific and Technological Research Projects” grant with his research project entitled “An Integrated Approach to Product Line Design and Pricing Policies in the Presence of Variability in Use Phase Behaviors of Consumers and Extended Producer Responsibility Programs”.

Awards and Honors 2023-08-15 08:03

BAGEP 2023 Awards (Science Academy Young Scientist Awards Program)

Koç University maintained its leading position with the largest number of BAGEP Awards (Science Academy Young Scientist Awards Program) received in the last 10 years since the inception of this program, with Assoc. Prof. Aykut Coşkun, Media and Visual Arts, Assoc. Prof. Erkan Kalafat, Gynecology, and Obstetrics, SOM, Assoc. Prof. Tuba Mutluer, Psychiatry receiving this year’s awards.