869 CEMS Graduands Attended Global Graduation Ceremony in London Events

869 CEMS Graduands Attended Global Graduation Ceremony in London

14 students from Koç University Graduate School of Business were among 869 students, from a graduating class of 1,285, taking part in the CEMS MIM graduation ceremony on Saturday 9th December at the London School of Economics, UK.

President Erdoğan Awards Prof. Caner Süsal with the TÜBA Academy Prize Events

President Erdoğan Awards Prof. Caner Süsal with the TÜBA Academy Prize

President Erdoğan Awards Prof. Caner Süsal with the TÜBA Academy Prize

Sinem Coleri has been appointed as the new Editor-in-Chief of OJ-COMS Awards and Honors

Sinem Coleri has been appointed as the new Editor-in-Chief of OJ-COMS

Sinem Coleri has been appointed as the new Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society (OJ-COMS)

We congratulate Assoc.Prof. Didem Unat for her outstanding achievement. Awards and Honors

We congratulate Assoc.Prof. Didem Unat for her outstanding achievement.

Assoc.Prof. Didem Unat, the leader of the ParCore Lab, has been awarded a total of 200,000 Euros through the Inno4Scale grant, in collaboration with their Norwegian partner, Simula Research Laboratory.

Assoc. Prof. Ertuğrul Başar was elected as a TÜBA Associate Member. Awards and Honors

Assoc. Prof. Ertuğrul Başar was elected as a TÜBA Associate Member.

Assoc. Prof. Ertuğrul Başar from the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering was elected as a TÜBA Associate Member.

XV. Winter Workshop in Economics Economy

XV. Winter Workshop in Economics

Celebrating the Centenary of the Turkish Republic, we are delighted to announce the successful completion of the XV. Winter Workshop in Economics at Koç University. The workshop took place in room SNA-A43 on Friday, December 22, 2023, from 09:00 to 18:30.

New Members of the Science Academy Research

New Members of the Science Academy

15 new full members were elected at the Ordinary General Assembly of the Science Academy dated December 1, 2023. Wholehearted congratulations to Prof. Çağatay Başdoğan, Prof.Seda Keskin and Prof. Fikri Karaesmen for their outstanding achievements and best wishes for their continued success.

2023 TÜSEB Aziz Sancar Incentive Award Awards and Honors

2023 TÜSEB Aziz Sancar Incentive Award

Asst. Dr. Levent Beker, Department of Mechanical Engineering, was awarded the TÜSEB Aziz Sancar Incentive Award, which is presented to outstanding scientists in the field of health science and technology in Türkiye, for his research on medical device design and development. Wholehearted congratulations to Dr. Levent Beker for his outstanding achievement and best wishes for his continued success.

Dr. Uğur Teğin Receives TÜBİTAK 2232-B Support Research

Dr. Uğur Teğin Receives TÜBİTAK 2232-B Support

Dr. Uğur Teğin, a faculty member of the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering at Koç University, has been awarded a grant of 7,033,000 TL from TÜBİTAK for three years under the 2232-B International Young Researchers Program. The grant is for his project titled "Harnessing spatiotemporal nonlinear dynamics of optical cavities for tunable lasers and optical computing.”

2023 Sedat Simavi Science Award – Professor Halil Kavaklı Awards and Honors

2023 Sedat Simavi Science Award – Professor Halil Kavaklı

Prof. Halil Kavaklı from the Departments of Chemical and Biological Engineering and Molecular Biology and Genetics received the 2023 Sedat Simavi Science Award, which is given annually in the fields of journalism, literature, sports and science.

Events 2023-12-29 15:01

869 CEMS Graduands Attended Global Graduation Ceremony in London

14 students from Koç University Graduate School of Business were among 869 students, from a graduating class of 1,285, taking part in the CEMS MIM graduation ceremony on Saturday 9th December at the London School of Economics, UK.

Events 2024-01-04 12:50

President Erdoğan Awards Prof. Caner Süsal with the TÜBA Academy Prize

President Erdoğan Awards Prof. Caner Süsal with the TÜBA Academy Prize

Awards and Honors 2023-12-27 14:28

Sinem Coleri has been appointed as the new Editor-in-Chief of OJ-COMS

Sinem Coleri has been appointed as the new Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society (OJ-COMS)

Awards and Honors 2023-12-27 13:06

We congratulate Assoc.Prof. Didem Unat for her outstanding achievement.

Assoc.Prof. Didem Unat, the leader of the ParCore Lab, has been awarded a total of 200,000 Euros through the Inno4Scale grant, in collaboration with their Norwegian partner, Simula Research Laboratory.

Awards and Honors 2023-12-27 13:29

Assoc. Prof. Ertuğrul Başar was elected as a TÜBA Associate Member.

Assoc. Prof. Ertuğrul Başar from the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering was elected as a TÜBA Associate Member.

Economy 2023-12-27 05:26

XV. Winter Workshop in Economics

Celebrating the Centenary of the Turkish Republic, we are delighted to announce the successful completion of the XV. Winter Workshop in Economics at Koç University. The workshop took place in room SNA-A43 on Friday, December 22, 2023, from 09:00 to 18:30.

Research 2023-12-25 13:19

New Members of the Science Academy

15 new full members were elected at the Ordinary General Assembly of the Science Academy dated December 1, 2023. Wholehearted congratulations to Prof. Çağatay Başdoğan, Prof.Seda Keskin and Prof. Fikri Karaesmen for their outstanding achievements and best wishes for their continued success.

Awards and Honors 2023-12-21 08:23

2023 TÜSEB Aziz Sancar Incentive Award

Asst. Dr. Levent Beker, Department of Mechanical Engineering, was awarded the TÜSEB Aziz Sancar Incentive Award, which is presented to outstanding scientists in the field of health science and technology in Türkiye, for his research on medical device design and development. Wholehearted congratulations to Dr. Levent Beker for his outstanding achievement and best wishes for his continued success.

Research 2023-12-18 06:25

Dr. Uğur Teğin Receives TÜBİTAK 2232-B Support

Dr. Uğur Teğin, a faculty member of the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering at Koç University, has been awarded a grant of 7,033,000 TL from TÜBİTAK for three years under the 2232-B International Young Researchers Program. The grant is for his project titled "Harnessing spatiotemporal nonlinear dynamics of optical cavities for tunable lasers and optical computing.”

Awards and Honors 2023-12-13 11:30

2023 Sedat Simavi Science Award – Professor Halil Kavaklı

Prof. Halil Kavaklı from the Departments of Chemical and Biological Engineering and Molecular Biology and Genetics received the 2023 Sedat Simavi Science Award, which is given annually in the fields of journalism, literature, sports and science.