Kristal Lale Award Awards and Honors

Kristal Lale Award

Prof. Şener Aktürk from the Department of International Relations at the College of Administrative Sciences and Economics has been awarded the ‘Kristal Lale’ Award in Political Science and International Relations, a prestigious annual recognition by Istanbul Social Sciences High School and Alumni Association for exemplary figures in their fields. The 15th Kristal Lale Award ceremony took place on Friday, May 3, 2024, at 19:00, in the conference hall of Istanbul Prof. Mümtaz Turhan Social Sciences High School, where Prof. Şener Aktürk was honored with the Kristal Lale Award in Political Science and International Relations.

TUBITAK 1001 – Support Program for Scientific and Technological Research Projects, 2024 Awards and Honors

TUBITAK 1001 – Support Program for Scientific and Technological Research Projects, 2024

Assoc. Prof. Reşat Bayer from the Department of International Relations at the College of Administrative Sciences and Economics has had his project proposal on "Stable Peace and Peace Treaties" accepted by TUBITAK within the scope of the TUBITAK 1001 - Special Call for the 100th Anniversary of Our Republic.

Asst. Prof. Fatma Güney has received 2023-2024 Outstanding Research Award at Koç University Awards and Honors

Asst. Prof. Fatma Güney has received 2023-2024 Outstanding Research Award at Koç University

Asst. Prof. Fatma Güney has received 2023-2024 Outstanding Research Award at Koç University

BAGEP-2024 Young Scientist Award Awards and Honors

BAGEP-2024 Young Scientist Award

Dr. Erkan Şenses, from the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, was awarded the BAGEP-2024-Young Scientist award by the Science Academy for his research on lipid bilayer-polymer interactions in artificial cell models. Wholehearted congratulations to Dr. Erkan Şensesfor his outstanding achievement, and best wishes for his continued success.

2024 Young Scientists Award Program (BAGEP) Awards and Honors

2024 Young Scientists Award Program (BAGEP)

The results of the Science Academy Young Scientists Award Program (BAGEP) for 2024 have been announced. Dr. Erhun Özkan from the College of Administrative Sciences and Economics, Department of Business Administration, has been awarded this prestigious award.

Koç University Researchers Uncover SNUPN Gene Responsible for a New Muscular Disorder Highlighted News

Koç University Researchers Uncover SNUPN Gene Responsible for a New Muscular Disorder

A groundbreaking study, recently published in Nature Communications, sheds light on a newly identified subtype of muscular dystrophy, revealing an unsuspected role of SNUPN gene in muscle cell function.

Young Scientists Award Program (BAGEP) 2024 Awards and Honors

Young Scientists Award Program (BAGEP) 2024

Wholehearted congratulations to Dr. Sevcan Yeşiltaş for the 2024 BAGEP Award and best wishes for her continued success

Asst. Prof. Levent Beker won the ERC Starting Grant Awards and Honors

Asst. Prof. Levent Beker won the ERC Starting Grant

Asst. Prof. Levent Beker won the ERC Starting Grant

Awards and Honors 2024-05-06 08:33

Kristal Lale Award

Prof. Şener Aktürk from the Department of International Relations at the College of Administrative Sciences and Economics has been awarded the ‘Kristal Lale’ Award in Political Science and International Relations, a prestigious annual recognition by Istanbul Social Sciences High School and Alumni Association for exemplary figures in their fields. The 15th Kristal Lale Award ceremony took place on Friday, May 3, 2024, at 19:00, in the conference hall of Istanbul Prof. Mümtaz Turhan Social Sciences High School, where Prof. Şener Aktürk was honored with the Kristal Lale Award in Political Science and International Relations.

Awards and Honors 2024-05-02 13:25

TUBITAK 1001 – Support Program for Scientific and Technological Research Projects, 2024

Assoc. Prof. Reşat Bayer from the Department of International Relations at the College of Administrative Sciences and Economics has had his project proposal on "Stable Peace and Peace Treaties" accepted by TUBITAK within the scope of the TUBITAK 1001 - Special Call for the 100th Anniversary of Our Republic.

Awards and Honors 2024-07-24 07:24

Asst. Prof. Fatma Güney has received 2023-2024 Outstanding Research Award at Koç University

Asst. Prof. Fatma Güney has received 2023-2024 Outstanding Research Award at Koç University

Awards and Honors 2024-04-26 10:52

BAGEP-2024 Young Scientist Award

Dr. Erkan Şenses, from the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, was awarded the BAGEP-2024-Young Scientist award by the Science Academy for his research on lipid bilayer-polymer interactions in artificial cell models. Wholehearted congratulations to Dr. Erkan Şensesfor his outstanding achievement, and best wishes for his continued success.

Awards and Honors 2024-04-22 10:21

2024 Young Scientists Award Program (BAGEP)

The results of the Science Academy Young Scientists Award Program (BAGEP) for 2024 have been announced. Dr. Erhun Özkan from the College of Administrative Sciences and Economics, Department of Business Administration, has been awarded this prestigious award.

Highlighted News 2024-04-19 12:24

Koç University Researchers Uncover SNUPN Gene Responsible for a New Muscular Disorder

A groundbreaking study, recently published in Nature Communications, sheds light on a newly identified subtype of muscular dystrophy, revealing an unsuspected role of SNUPN gene in muscle cell function.

Awards and Honors 2024-04-18 08:40

Young Scientists Award Program (BAGEP) 2024

Wholehearted congratulations to Dr. Sevcan Yeşiltaş for the 2024 BAGEP Award and best wishes for her continued success

Science & Technology 2024-04-04 11:47

An Extraordinary Sea Reptile

An Extraordinary Sea Reptile

Awards and Honors 2024-04-04 11:31

Asst. Prof. Levent Beker won the ERC Starting Grant

Asst. Prof. Levent Beker won the ERC Starting Grant

Science & Technology 2024-04-04 11:44

Not Your Ordinary Magnetism

Not Your Ordinary Magnetism