Seminar Series (Fall 2022- Spring 2023)

Date and Time Date and Time

2023-12-01 10:00

2023-12-01 21:00

Map Location


Seminar Series (Fall 2022- Spring 2023)

  • Who Supports Democracy? Experimental Evidence from Revealed Preference Measures 5.10.2022
  • Turkish-American Relations - Current Issues and Perceptions  25.10.2022
  • War in Ukraine – search for a diplomatic solution 8.12.2022
  • Are Human Rights Organizations Agents of US Imperialism?  Public Opinion Towards the US Government and Human Rights Organizations in Six Countries 20.12.2022
  • Double Vision: The Politics of Energy and Security 23.03.2023
  • Missile Tests and Alliances: A Two Good Theory Perspective 30.03.2023
  • Not so “Traditional” Anymore? Generational Shifts on Cultural Values in Turkey  25.04.2023
  • The Future of International Society? Russia's War and the Challenge to International Order 17.05.2023
  • The Refugee System: A Sociological Approach 24.05.2023
  • Logic(s) of Historical Persistence 30.05.2023
  • Ideological Attachment as a Source of Affective Polarization 6.06.2023
  • Empty Institutions in Global Governance 12.06.2023

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