Guidelines for Graduate Students

Project Advisor Appointment

All non-thesis master’s students must submit their project advisors to the GSHS by the end of the first semester at the latest with the following report. The GSHS board makes appointments based on the form submission of directors.


Project Submission

Students who have successfully completed their credits and all required courses and project during their non-thesis master’s education must submit their projects to the GSHS with the following report.


Term Extension

Non-Thesis Master’s program must be completed within 2 semesters. Students who will not be able to complete their education within the maximum period of time should submit their requests for additional time to the GSHS. The period of non-thesis master’s education can be extended for a maximum of 1 semester.


Scholarship Extension

Students who want to extend their non-thesis master’s education, whose standard education period is 2 semesters, by requesting additional time, must fill out a scholarship extension form to continue their scholarship, have it signed by their advisor and send it to the GSHS. Scholarship extensions are subject to the approval of the GSHS Board and Vice-President.

Appointment of Advisor and Thesis Proposal

All MS with thesis students must submit their advisors to the GSHS with the “thesis advisor appointment report” by the end of the first semester at the latest. Appointments based on the submission of the form are made by the GSHS board of directors.

At the end of the second semester, the students must submit the “thesis proposal form” to the GSHS.


Thesis Defense

Students who have completed all the required courses and credits in the first 2 semesters of the master’s program with thesis can proceed to the thesis stage. The thesis defense jury assignment form must be submitted to the institute at least 2 weeks before the thesis defense date, which was decided with the advisor. The announcement form must be delivered to the GSHS at least 1 week before the thesis defense date. Members of the jury consist of three or five faculty members, one of whom is the thesis advisor, and at least one jury member from outside the university. If the jury committee consists of three members, the co-advisor cannot be a jury member. After the defense meeting, the “ms thesis defense report” below must be delivered to the GSHS.

You can find detailed information about the graduation process in the GRADUATION GUIDELINE.


Semester Extension

Thesis Masters program must be completed within 4 semesters. Students who will not be able to complete their education within the maximum period of time should submit their requests for additional time to the GSHS. The period of thesis master’s education can be extended for a maximum of 2 semester.


Scholarship Extension

Students who want to extend their thesis master’s education, whose standard education period is 4 semesters, by requesting additional time, must fill out a scholarship extension form to continue their scholarship, have it signed by their advisor and send it to the GSHS. Scholarship extensions are subject to the approval of the GSHS Board and Vice-President.

Appointment of Thesis Advisor

All PhD students must submit their  advisors to the GSHS with the “thesis advisor appointment report” by the end of the second semester at the latest. Appointments based on the submission of the form are made by the GSHS board.

Students who have completed minimum credits and all required courses can proceed to the qualification exam stage. The date of the examination is determined according to the decision made by the qualification examination committee. Students admitted with a master’s degree must take the exam by the end of the fifth semester; students admitted with a bachelor’s degree must take the exam by the end of the seventh semester.

The qualification examination jury is determined and submitted to the GSHS with the appointment report below. The jury consists of five faculty members, including the thesis advisor, and at least two members from outside the university. If the thesis advisor does not have the right to vote, the jury consists of six faculty members.

The student who is successful in the written exam is allowed to take the oral exam within 3 weeks following the written exam. After the oral exam, the written and oral exam reports below must be submitted to the GSHS. The student who is successful in both exams can proceed to the thesis stage. A student who fails the written exam cannot take the oral exam. The student has the right to retake the written exam in the next semester.


Determining of Thesis Subject and Appointment of Thesis Monitoring Committee 

Students who successfully pass the qualification exams must determine the thesis study topic and submit the “thesis proposal form” below to the GSHS within 1 month. The PhD Thesis Monitoring Committee is also appointed within one month after the student passes the Qualifying Exam and is submitted to the GSHS by the student with the following “thesis monitoring committee appointment report”.

The Thesis Monitoring Committee consists of a member from inside the program, a member from outside the program, and three members, excluding the thesis advisor. If the student has a co-advisor, the co-advisor may also attend the committee meetings.


PhD Thesis Proposal Defense

Thesis proposal defense meeting should be held within 6 months after the qualifying exam. The student must submit the date determined with the advisor and the detailed report of the thesis proposal to the GSHS at least 2 weeks before the meeting date. The following report must be submitted to the GSHS after the thesis proposal defense meeting


Monitoring Committee Meetings

The thesis monitoring committee must be held at most every 6 months for the student whose thesis proposal is accepted. There should be at least four months between two follow-up assessments. The student must submit the meeting date and thesis progress report to the GSHS at least 2 weeks before the meeting date. In this report, a summary of the work done so far and the work plan to be made in the next period are indicated. the following report must be submitted to the GSHS after the meeting

One of the conditions for moving to the thesis defense stage is to have at least three successful thesis monitoring committee meetings. Thesis proposal defense and thesis defense cannot be counted among these meetings.


Thesis Defense Jury Appointment

The PhD Thesis Defense Jury consists of the student’s advisor, three members of the thesis monitoring committee, and at least two members from outside the university. Co-advisor may attend the meeting without voting rights. The student must submit the following jury appointment form to the GSHS with the final version of the thesis at least 3 weeks before the defense date determined by the advisor.


PhD Thesis Defense

The “thesis defense jury appointment form” must be submitted to the GSHS at least 2 weeks before the thesis defense date decided with the advisor. The announcement form must be submitted 1 week before the thesis defense date. Members of jury consist of three or five faculty members, one of whom is the thesis advisor and at least one jury member from outside the university. If the jury committee consists of three members, the co-advisor cannot be a jury member. After the meeting, the student must submit the following “thesis defense report” to the GSHS.

You can find detailed information about the graduation process in the GRADUATION GUIDELINE.


Term Extension

PhD programs must be completed within 8 semesters for the students who are accepted with a MS/MD degree, and within 10 semesters for the students who are accepted with a BS degree (direct PhD). Students who will not be able to complete their education within the maximum period of time should submit their requests for additional time to the GSHS. The period can be extended for a maximum of 4 semesters for PhD students, 6 semesters for direct PhD students.

Scholarship Extension

Students who want to extend their education by requesting additional time, must fill out a scholarship extension form to continue their scholarship, have it signed by their advisor and send it to the GSHS. Scholarship extensions are subject to the approval of the GSHS Board and Vice-President.