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Seda Sarıköse

Asst. Prof.
School of Nursing


Dr. Seda Sarıköse graduated from Koç University School of Nursing in 2016 and she completed her master's and doctorate education at Koç University Graduate School of Health Sciences Nursing Department. During her undergraduate education, Sarıköse was nominated for Vehbi Koç Honour Award in 2013, 2014 and 2015. Dr Seda Sarıköse worked as a nurse in the general surgery unit of Koç University Hospital between 2016-2019 and as a research and teaching assistant at Koç University School of Nursing between 2019-2024. Sarıköse's PhD thesis was accepted as a TÜBİTAK 1001 project, and she worked as a project scholar between November 2022 and November 20224. Dr. Seda Sarıköse has been working as a lecturer at Koç University School of Nursing since February 2024. Her main research interests are nursing management, nursing leadership and nursing empowerment. Seda Sarıköse has several national and international publications and projects in nursing management. She is currently an active member of the European Nurse Directors Association and Sigma Theta Tau International Honour Society of Nursing.

Research areas

Nursing Empowerment , Nursing Leadership , Nursing Management , Nursing Working Environment



PhD, Koç University


Master’s, Koç University


Bachelor’s, Koç University



Edith Anderson Leadership Education Grant from Sigma Foundation for Nursing


Vehbi Koc Foundatition’s Honors Award


Vehbi Koc Foundatition’s Honors Award


Vehbi Koc Foundatition’s Honors Award