Prof. Çağatay Başdoğan received Test of Time (ToT) Award.

Prof. Çağatay Başdoğan received Test of Time (ToT) Award.

Release Date 2024-01-24 02:00

Awards and Honors

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We congratulate Dr.Uğur Teğin for his work

Optical computing is a computational technology that uses light instead of electricity to perform calculations. After inventing a powerful analog computing platform with optical fibers, Dr. Uğur Teğin, a faculty member of the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering at Koç University, has enhanced it and developed a programmable optical neural network architecture with his collaborators at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL). Their study revealed that scalable nonlinear optical computing in optical fibers can be programmed to perform better for various machine learning tasks and to realize all-optical computing. They published their discovery in SPIE’s Advanced Photonics journal.